Tag Archives: Jon Crowcroft

Interdisciplinary Cyber Research workshop 2015


18th of July, 2015 — Tallinn, Estonia

The aim of the workshop is to bring together young as well as established scholars undertaking research in various disciplines related to information and communication technologies such as computer sciences, political and social sciences, and law. Attending the ICR workshop is free of charge and also open for participants who have not submitted an abstract (registration for non-authors is here). Travel to/from Tallinn and accommodation is to be covered by the participants.

9:30​ – Opening words, ​Tallinn University of Technology
9:35​ – Keynote presentation, ​“Data Sovereignty, Data Flow, and International Jurisdiction in Cloud Computing, ​Prof Christopher Millard​, Queen Mary University of London
10:05​ -Keynote presentation, ​“Gnawing Away at Internet of Things Silos”, ​Prof Jon Crowcroft​, University of Cambridge
Session 1: State and Cyber (Room 1)
“Governance of Cyber-Security in Elections”, ​Prof Robert Krimmer​, Tallinn University of Technology
“E-Estonia under an Actor Network Theory Perspective”, ​Carlos Vargas Alvarez Del Castillo​, Tallinn University
Session 2: Education and Digital Safety (Room 2)
“Representation of Snowden ́s Scandal in Estonian Media: Semiotic Logic of Fear”, Mari-Liis Madisson​, University of Tartu
Session 3: Privacy (Room 1)
“Tor Does Not Stink: Use and Abuse of the Tor Anonymity Network from the Perspective of Law”, Tomas Minarik​, NATO CCD COE
Session 4: Tech I (Room 2)
Session 5: Law (Room 1)
“ISP Liability & the Delfi case”, Karmen Turk​, University of Tartu
Session 6: Tech II (Room 2)

Registration deadline for non-authors: 10th of July 2015


Cyber Security Summer School 2015


13-17 July 2015, Laulasmaa Spa and Conference Hotel.

* How to live securely in a digital society?
* E-Estonia, a role model for the future? On implementation, challenges and limitations
* Privacy and other concerns of a digital society
* Anonymisation and deanonymisation techniques
* Internet measurements and routing: big data and network mathematics
* Examples and hands-on activities from experts
* Lots of fun and insights into controversial topics

Tentative Program:
Sunday, July 12: 18.30 Welcome Reception

Monday, July 13:  Living in a digital society, securely?
09.30 – 13.00 Steven M. Bellovin
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 17.30 Jaan Priisalu & Kristjan Vassil
18.30 Dinner

Tuesday, July 14: Privacy and concerns about a digital society
09.00 – 12.30 Ben Zevenbergen
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 17.00 George Danezis
18.30 Dinner

Wednesday, July 15: Security Ecosystems
09.00 – 12.30 Vern Paxson
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 17.00 Richard Kemmerer
18.30 Dinner
20.00 – 22.00 Mehis Hakkaja (Hacking Demo)

Thursday, July 16: Internet measurements and routing: big data and mobile networks
09.00 – 12.30 Tristan Henderson
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 17.00 Walter Willinger
18.00 Transport to the gala dinner location
19.00 Gala dinner

Friday, July 17: Student presentations
09.00 – 12.30 Students presentations
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 14.30 Students presentations
14.30 Closing remarks
15.00 Transport to Tallinn and departure

The registration to summer school has already ended.
