Monthly Archives: January 2020

Defence of Cyber Security Engineering Diploma Theses at TalTech IT College (January 2020)

January 22nd at 15-17, TalTech IT College, Raja 4C, Tallinn at room 217:

Chairman of the Defence Committee: Priidu Paomets
The Defence Committee: Mohammad Tariq Meeran, Kaido Kikkas, Aleksei Talisainen, Toomas Lepikult

  • Title: Countermeasures to Deepfakes
    Student: Gabriel Apeh Adoyi
  • Title: Implementing Authentication and Authorization in Dynamic Web Applications
    Student: Christian Cataldo
  • Title: Windows User Simulation for Scalable Cybersecurity Training Platform
    Student: Kustas Kurval

Grades (in random order): 5, 2, 1


Cyber Security master’s theses defense in TalTech (January 2020)

January 9th, 2020, Akadeemia Tee 15a, room ICT-411.

Time: 10:00
Student: Deniz Basar
Title: Uniqueness Criteria for Blockchain Type Distributed Ledgers
Supervisor: Ahto Buldas
Reviewer: Aleksandr Lenin

Time: 10:40
Student: Kristian Kivimägi
Title: Predicting students’ success using technical labs as part of university admission to a cyber security program
Supervisor: Kaie Maennel, Olaf Maennel
Reviewer: Stefan Sütterlin

Time: 11:20
Student: Alessandro Mirani
Title: User Behavior Analysis for Predictive Virtual Reality Applications: An Ethical and Data Security Perspective
Supervisor: Aleksei Tepljakov, Hayretdin Bahsi
Reviewer: Eduard Petlenkov