Tag Archives: Silvia Väli

Cyber Security master’s theses defense in Tallinn University of Technology (January 2018)

January 8th, 2018, Akadeemia Tee 15a, Room ICT-315.

Time: 10:00
Student: Silvia Väli
Title: Analysis of Electron-based applications to identify XSS flaws escalating to code execution in open-source applications
Supervisor: Olaf Manuel Maennel
Reviewer: Bernhards Blumbergs

Time: 10:40
Student: Juhan Kaalep
Title: The Status, Reasons And Perspective of Cyber Security of Estonian SME-s in the Context of the Cyber Essentials Scheme
Supervisor: Andro Kull
Reviewer: Tiia Sõmer

Time: 11:20
Student: Tiiu Mamers
Title: The Art and Science of Information Security Investments for Small Enterprises
Supervisor: Olaf Manuel Maennel
Reviewer: Andro Kull

TallinnSec meetup: HW Crypto, RCE and Bug Bounty programs

Tuesday, February 20, 2019, 17:00 to 20:00 at k-space.ee.

17:15 – Stefano Alberico (Crip.to): Communication solution based on end-to-end hardware encryption
18:00 – Silvia Väli (Clarified Security): Only an Electron away from code execution
18:45 – Joakim Tauren (Visma): Stories from a bugbounty program
