Tag Archives: Lauri Lugna

Conference “The Present and Future of Cybersecurity”

Conference “The Present and Future of Cybersecurity”
April 26, 2017, National Library of Estonia

13.00-13.30 – Registration and welcome coffee
13.30-13.40 – Opening words – Urve Palo (Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology)
13.40-14.00 – Keynote – Jaak Aaviksoo (Rector of TUT)
14.00-15.00 – Discussion “Evolution of cyber attacks – what has changed in ten years?” Klaid Mägi (RIA, head of CERT-EE) leader. Debating: Hillar Aarelaid (Police and Border Guard Board), Jaan Priisalu (TUT), Merike Käo (Farsight Security CTO)
15.00-15.30 – Cofee break
15.30-17.00 – Discussion “Discurses, paradigms and form of cyber policy in practice” Taimar Peterkop (Director General of RIA) leader. Debating: Sven Sakkov (Director of NATO CCD CoE), Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar (European Union, Head of Cyber Policy Coordination at European External Action Service), Lauri Lugna (Secretary General at the Ministry of Interior), Lauri Almann (Co-Founder of BHC Laboratory)
17.00-17.30 – Closing words – Toomas Vaks (RIA, Head of Cyber Security Branch)
17.30-19.30 – After conference reception. Appearance of RIA band VaRIA.

Work language of the conference is Estonian.
