Ahto Truu presentation “Next-gen Key Infrastructure with Smart-ID”

XII. Tartu Software Development Guild Meeting, Friday, January 13, 2016, 18.00 – 20.00, Turu 2 (Tasku), 5th Floor, SaleMove Office

Presenter: Ahto Truu (Software Architect at Guardtime)
Title: Next-gen Key Infrastructure with Smart-ID
Abstract: With more and more people using smartphones and tablets as their computing devices of choice, and with the upcoming migration away from physical SIM cards, a question arises: what will replace the ID-cards and mobile-ID SIM cards as the carriers of the private keys for Estonian national digital signature infrastructure? In this talk we will look at the Smart-ID solution recently jointly proposed by Sertifitseerimiskeskus and Cybernetica. There will be quite a bit of math in the talk, but we will start with a crash course of the basics of the current systems for those who either missed it in school or have since forgotten the details.

About Ahto
During his three decades in ICT, Ahto has worked in hardware installations and user support, as a software developer and architect, and as a systems analyst. Currently he is busy helping Guardtime’s customers preserve the integrity of their important data. Outside his day job he coaches Estonia’s team to the high school students’ programming competitions. He has also been writing programming columns for the popular science magazines A&A and Horisont.

Seems that Ahto plans to describe the underlying details of key generation in the Smart-ID solution.


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